Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The porblem with Coulter

Today Glenn Greenwald asks a very important question. Why do Conservatives like Coulter so much? I think the media should explore this question. She is the epitome of the divide and conquer movement. In America we should be able to unite for the good of America, our troops, and the world. How much of what you hear, from the right wing pundits like Hannity, Malkin, O'Reilly and Limbaugh, is designed to unite Americans? Not much if anything. I have believed for a long time that there is an explicit strategy, on the far right, to divide up Americans. The Right wants to pit us against each other in a time of war. "You are either with us, or you are against us"

Here is more from Greenwald:

"Coulter insisted last night that she did not intend the remark as an anti-gay slur -- that she did not intend to suggest that John Edwards, husband and father, was gay -- but instead only used the word as a "schoolyard taunt," to call him a sissy. And that is true. Her aim was not to suggest that Edwards is actually gay, but simply to feminize him like they do with all male Democratic or liberal political leaders. "

I ask you, how does a "schoolyard taunt" help Americans raise our political discourse to a level where we can unite for anything good? Coulter is a prominent political figure on the Right. She is enjoyed by many millions of Americans. Her shtick is used by politicians to say what they can't. It is like the campaign technique of having your guy stay above the fray while your minions do the dirty work for you. Again, how does this help us as Americans?

As John Dean points out in his book, "Conservatives Without Conscience," this is a classic strategy for an authoritarian government. You may think I am being overly dramatic, but I think that if you step back, and look at the actions of our government over the past six years, you will have to admit that the shoe fits a little too well.

From Greenwald:

"This is why -- the only reason -- Coulter's remarks are so significant. And the significance lies not just in this specific outburst on Friday but in the whole array of hate-mongering, violence-inciting remarks over all these years. Its significance lies in the critical fact that Malkin expressly acknowledged: "She's very popular among conservatives." The focus of these stories should not be Coulter, but instead, should be the conservative movement in which Ann Coulter -- precisely because of (not "despite") her history of making such comments -- is "very popular." (Note, too, that Malkin urges that Coulter be shunned not because her conduct is so reprehesensible, but because her presence "is not going to be a help" win the 2008 election)."

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